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"You Can't Go Through Life Without Being Red Pilled About Women"

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Most guys go through life thinking they already know everything there is to know about women but this is obviously not true.

How else do you explain the beta ass behaviour of the men today?
  • They’re happily cuffing sixes and below even if they are out of that girl’s league
  • ​They’re happily settling for girls who are just straight up big
  • ​They’re paying for only fans
  • ​They’re getting stuck in the friend zone
  • ​They’re being used for dinner dates, gifts, and private ubers
  • ​And in the extreme cases, they get used to raise someone else's seed or end up paying alimony while having some sort of custody battle

But Even Those Extreme Cases Where Women Completely Ruin A Man's Life Aren’t Actually Rare

There are countless guys who DM me, email me, and leave comments on my videos who share their story to get help and to warn the men that haven’t made the same mistakes they did… 

Because They’re Totally Avoidable.

Not every guy is dealing with this but the problem with all the simps out there is that they have created a different dating game for men.

Women these days are much more hypergamous than ever, a lot of women who aren’t that attractive have had their egos boosted all the way to the moon, and on top of that, society has a lot of them operating from their masculine.

Which means, if you don’t totally understand women for what they truly are, you are doomed to make all the same beta ass mistakes that I’ve made in my past and most guys are currently making right now.

And notice I said what they TRULY are…

Because Society and Women Themselves Will Have You Believing They're Something That They Aren’t Which is a Big Reason Why Most Guys End Up in The Situations They’re in

This is what happens when generations of men are raised by single mothers and the culture itself.

We’ve been given a false sense of reality, just like the blue pill in the matrix.

Except in the movie, you’re blissfully unaware of the consequences of being trapped in the matrix because you’re sleep.

But this isn’t a movie, man.

If you take this blue pill and continue to stay ignorant, you WILL see horrible results in your life.
While all the guys who choose to take the red pill by being fully educated on female nature, will not only protect themselves from all the BS that happens to beta males…

They’ll also succeed a lot more with women because of their understanding because women like guys who “get it” without having them having to explain themselves.

Which is why I’ve made it one of my life’s missions to help 1 million guys in the world “get it.”
  • Whether you want a rotation
  • ​To get back with an ex
  • ​Start a family
  • ​Or just generally protect yourself by being up on game

Being Totally Aware of Female Nature is Going To Be A Major Key For You

And over the years, I’ve created tooonnnsss of free content on youtube to help men all over the world with this problem and it’s been a huge success for a lot of guys!

But at the end of the day, there are still tons of guys who send me messages because they don’t clearly understand something, or they are just discovering the red pill, or whatever else it may be…

Maybe you can relate because you’re one of those guys who needs a more structured approach to learn something…

Or maybe you’re the kind of guy who needs to be invested before he takes something serious… 

Whatever it is, there’s no shame because the point is for me to help you and I came up with the solution to create a digital library that would take guys from being totally unaware of female nature and teach them all of the fundamentals they need to know!

This way, instead of having to search through all of my youtube videos to find the answers they need, they would have a step by step, organized place to find all the answers they’re looking for!

And I’m calling it... 
This is going to mainly be a tool for guys who are just getting started with their red pill journey but the truth is, every man should get this course simply based on the fact that it’s always a good idea to brush up on your fundamentals.

Bruce Lee has a famous quote where he says something to the effect of, “I don’t fear the man who knows 1000 kicks. I fear the man who has trained the same kick 1000 times.”

And on top of that, it has been said that Kobe was known for being caught before his games, just working on his dribbling, free throws, and lay ups.

The point is that the key to mastery and true understanding is by a continuous repetition of the actions or in this case, having the information explained to you again and this is a much more powerful way of getting this red pill knowledge because it’s created in a much more organized format.

Here’s What You’ll Learn in This Course:

A Woman’s Phases

A woman’s actions, thoughts, and patterns is going to largely depend on what phases of life she is in.

Is she in the hoe phase?

Is she in the relationship phases?

Or is it something else?

It’s going to be up to you to figure this out and already know exactly how to act based on the phase she’s in because it’s not like she’s going to be like, 

“Hold on, just so you know, I’m in my hoe phase right now so it’s probably best if you just manhandled me instead of get me flowers, thanks.”

She’s just gonna do her thing and if you don’t understand what’s going on, you’re destined to fail.

A Woman’s Attraction

This is a big one because what they say they’re attracted to is totally false and in most cases, they don’t even know that what they’re saying isn’t true.

This is why you should never take dating advice from a woman.

They’ll tell you they want a “Nice Guy” but then they go and fu*k the “Bad Boy.”

And this is because the Bad Boy actually has what they’re attracted to and I’ll explain all of that in this part of the course.

A Woman’s Mind

In this part of the course, I’ll go deeper into the different mental aspects that make up a woman because it really is totally different from what most guys would imagine.

It’s backwards and makes no logical sense but they’re like that because they’re emotional creatures.

So if you try to apply logic to their actions, you’ll be left confused, in the friend zone, or worse. (This is why most guys say women are confusing)

But once you actually know the truth and what to expect, women’s actions will be much more predictable for you!

A Woman’s Games

This is the trap most guys fall into when they’re dealing with women.

You see, since women are so low in physical strength, they make up for it with high in emotional intelligence

And a big way they like to flex this strength is by playing little manipulative games with everyone around them. Especially men.

And if you don’t already know what to expect and how to handle the little tests they’ll throw your way, you can expect the worst to happen.

It’s like they say, not being prepared is being prepared to fail.

A Woman’s Truth

Last but not least, I’m going to break down the biggest ideas regarding female nature that your dad or bigger brother never told you.

This is the kind of game that men all over the world should be passing down to the future generations but unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be working that way.

Women and society have been successfully hiding this information from us for years so it’s up to us to break this cycle!

Use this information to finally red pill yourself when it comes to women and do me a favor…

Share this information with at least one guy friend in your life.

He may not accept it but never underestimate the power of planting a seed.

Click The Button Below To Get Started:

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And if this is your first time learning a lot of this stuff…

Once you’ve taken the time to truly watch, examine, and study these videos, you’ll feel as though the curtain has finally been lifted.

And if you’ve already learned a lot of what has been taught here... 

You’ll feel like you’ve gotten a much deeper understanding of the fundamentals that every man should know before he gets into the dating game.

And that’s facts.

Dating Women Without Having This Red Pill Knowledge is The Reason Why So Many Guys Are Getting Played Out Here

There’s no reason why men should be getting hustled for their money, paying millions of dollars to women on only fans, being friend zoned, and a bunch of crap like that.

All of this is totally avoidable but only if you’re actually aware of what to expect.

So to get started, hit the button below, fill out the form on the next page, and you’ll be given access to a private membership area where you’ll be able to access this content FOR LIFE!

Click The Button Below To Get Started:

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Everything I'm putting in this course is exactly what led me to the life I have today and I’ve watched it do the same for so many others!

*Check Out What People Have Been Saying About The Advice I Give*

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I also included 5 Fast Action Bonuses For Free

Bonus #1: Female Manipulation

Total Value = $97

Like I mentioned before, women are very smart when it comes to emotion which means, if given the opportunity...

They will absolutely take advantage of you.

This could mean that they may use your for your attention, your money, or they can go so far as to trick you into getting them pregnant.

This can come up in a ton of different ways, which is why it's important you understand the concept of this and how to handle it when it's thrown your way.

Bonus #2: Have No Remorse

Total Value = $65

A lot of guys are just way too nice to these girls, man. Especially in situations where they clearly don't deserve it.

Which is why it's important for me to explain why you should really have no remorse for these hoes.

And don't worry, you're not going to turn into some demon if you don't want to...

But I will teach you how to grab your nuts and act like a man which will get you respect and pussy.

Bonus #3: The Test

Total Value = $25

At all times, women are throwing different tests at man and they do it because they're trying to see whether or not the guy is right for her which is understandable.

But as a high value man, you need to be doing the exact same thing.

You shouldn't want just any girl and it's up to you to figure out what kind of woman you're dealing with which is what I'm going to teach you about in this Free Bonus.

Bonus #4: Female Cheating Tactics

Total Value = $147

Sorry if this is the first place you're hearing it but it's true, women cheat and they do it better.

The chances of them getting caught is waaaayyyyy lower.

BUT, if you know what to look for, which apps they use, how they use them, and all that stuff, then you can increase your chances of catching it so you don't end up wasting a bunch of time with a woman who doesn't respect you.

And this is exactly what you'll learn in this Free Bonus.

Bonus #5: High Interest VS Low Interest

Total Value = $99

A lot of guys end up wasting a bunch of their time with women who just aren't really that into them while not spending enough time on women who clearly want them...

And the reason for this is that most guys can't really tell the difference between a woman who has high interest and one who has lower interest.

So I'm going to be breaking down the difference for you in this Free Bonus.

The total value of this program + the bonuses comes out to $867

But you can get them all added today for just $197!

Click The Button Below To Get Started:

One Time Charge of $197 - Lifetime Access!
No Hidden Fees. No Contract. 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

Sure, You Can Try to Figure All of This Stuff Out on Your Own and A Lot of Guys Do, But Let’s Be Real... That’s Rare

Most guys won’t actually see serious results with something until they put their money where their mouth is by investing in themselves or by going through some sort of organized curriculum. And that’s including me.

But people are likely to be cheap when it comes to investing in themselves but then wonder why they aren’t getting the results they want…

And then those same people will blow that exact same amount of money or more on something that adds no value to their life.

Don’t be that guy.

If you aren’t getting the results you want with women, it’s time to try something new.

Click The Button Below To Get Started:

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But Only Sign Up If You’re Serious Because The Truth is, This Course Isn’t For Everybody...

  • If you’re not going to watch all of the videos
  • ​If you don’t see the value of investing in yourself
  • ​If you’re super lazy and don’t plan on taking action
  • ​Or if you plan on just complaining the whole time
Just don’t get this program. It’s not for you.

This Program is For All of Those Guys Who Identify as Neo From the Matrix. Not Cypher.

The kind of guy who will sit down and give this course his full attention, go through it a few times to really get the knowledge to sink in, and then actually go out in the world and apply this knowledge in real life.

Not just sit at home and do nothing.

If that’s you, then go ahead and click the button below to get started today because I know you’ll get a lot of value out of a course like this.

Click The Button Below To Get Started:

One Time Charge of $197 - Lifetime Access!
No Hidden Fees. No Contract. 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

And always remember…

There’s a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

So if you don’t like the way this program is completely transforming your life for the better then by all means, shoot me an email and my team will get that handled for you as fast as we possibly can.

But if you do like the program then keep in mind that you will have lifetime access to this program that will help you transform into the best version of yourself.

Click The Button Below To Get Started:

One Time Charge of $197 - Lifetime Access!
No Hidden Fees. No Contract. 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

Don’t let time pass you by or catch you off guard just because you were too scared to invest in yourself.

Don’t wake up years later wondering “What If?”

Click The Button Below To Get Started:

One Time Charge of $197 - Lifetime Access!
No Hidden Fees. No Contract. 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!


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